
Technology in Sports

  PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS                COORDINATED BY MRS BLESSING TITILOYE  Week: Three Date: …………………. Class: SS2 Science Subject: Physical Education Lesson Title: Technology in Sports Period: I-II Duration: 80 Minutes Learning Objectives Students should be able to: i.                    Explain the term technology in sports. ii.                  Justify the use of technology in sports iii.               Highlight the examples of modern technology used in sports. Examples are: a.       Football V.A.R, Synthetic pitch etc. b.      Athletics: Photo-finish, jumps equipment etc. c.       Martial Arts: Sensor-socks, IVR and EBP etc. d.      State Economic importance of technology in sports. Key Vocabulary Words: Synthetic pitch, sensor-socks, photo-finish, jumps equipment. Technology in Sports Technologies in sports are man-made means developed to reach human interests or goals in or relating to a particular sport. Technology in sports is a t


  SSS2  SCHEME OF WORK FIRST TERM  Week Topics 1 Revision of last term’s work and exams questions 2 Foundation of Physical Education           Meaning of Physical Education.          Branches of Physical Education.         Objectives of Physical Education.          Physical Education in Greece (Ancient nations) as well as Nigeria, West Africa. 3 Technology in Sports          Explain the term technology in sports.           Use of technology in sports.           Modern technologies used in sports e.g.        i.             Football; V.A.R, Synthetic pitch etc.      ii.             Athletics: Photo-finish, jumps equipment etc.   iii.             Martial Arts: Sensor socks, IVR and EBP etc. -          Economic importance of technology in sports. 4 Ball Game: Soccer   -          History of the game of soccer. -        


  SSS3 PHE  SCHEME OF WORK FIRST TERM  Week Topics 1 Greek Festival 2 Recreation 3 International Competition 4 Administrative structure at national, state and local level 5 Administrative structure and functions at primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. 6 Violence in sports 7 Continuous Assessment 8 Femininity and Sports 9 Drug Education 10 Ball Games Hockey 11 Revision 12-13 Examination


  PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS C OORDINATED BY MRS BLESSING TITILOYE           Week: Nine Class: SS1 Lesson Title: Respiratory system Period: I-II Duration: 80 Minutes Learning Objectives: Students should be able to know:                        i.     Structure and functions of the lungs                      ii.     International and external respiration                    iii.      Mechanism of breathing                    iv.      An aerobic and anaerobic respiration Respiratory System Respiration refers to the union of oxygen with food in the cells (oxidation) resulting in the release of energy, heat, carbon(iv)oxide and water. Respiration covers a wide range of processes include the taking in of oxygen which is inhalation, the sending out of carbon(iv)oxide which is exhalation and the use of the oxygen intake. There are two processes of respiration 1) Breathing or external respiration. 2) Internal respiration or tissue respiration.   External respiration is